Worship with us!
Sunday mornings bring us together and remind us we belong. Week after week, we joyfully gather in community to praise a Creator who offers all people radical grace and unconditional love. Join us.
Adult Study 8:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall Children’s class 9:00 a.m. Upstairs classroom 5
Worship 10 a.m
Fellowship Hour 11 a.m.
Here at FPCS, we believe relationships are holy. We believe our purpose in the community is to foster new and lasting relationships between people and our loving God and between people and other people. Sometimes that means offering our physical space for community events like Stroudfest, Pocono Concert Chorale, recitals and fundraisers, or hosting events that bring people together. Always it means being challenged to live and serve as a people practicing biblical love—concrete acts of service for the welfare of the other.
We strive to be a place of welcome and community for the great mosaic of humankind that God creates.

More Light Presbyterians is a non-profit organization dedicated to allowing the full participation of LGBTQIA+ people in life, ministry, and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and in society. As a More Light congregation, our congregation values inclusion across faith experiences, sexual orientations, gender expressions, and cultural backgrounds. We believe it is our responsibility to bring the kingdom of God to our world through our love of and service to others. We believe that affirming More Light makes a statement about these beliefs to the world, making clear our commitment to include all voices and value all of our brothers, sisters, and siblings.