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Inspirarity Dialogues

This is a friendly reminder of our upcoming second Inspararity Dialogue zoom session on February 14 from 6:00-7:00 PM. For those of you who attended the first Inspararity Dialogue and those who have not it was decided that we would have a topic for our monthly gathering. This month's topic is Prayer. Here are some questions to get you started on thinking about what prayer is for you.

What is prayer? Do you have a special word for it (Hebrew/Aramaic/Arabic...)
How can it be used to unite us?
For what do you pray?
Does prayer change the course of life?
Does God answer all the prayers? If so how? If not why?
Do you say something when done praying (such as Amin/Amen...)?
What is the most commonly said prayer in your tradition and what is its significance?
Do you have a specific ritual or gesture (raising hand/ looking above through the sky etc.) when praying?

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Passcode: 647777

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Meeting ID: 851 3107 5207

Passcode: 647777

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Earlier Event: February 7
Later Event: February 17
Ash Wednesday