A joint Presbyterian venture and for any new friends, join us every Wednesday evening at 6pm for a Lenten-themed meal and message. This year’s theme is forgiveness using Marjorie J. Thompson's book Forgiveness A Lenten Study. We will seek to work through the understanding of Christian forgiveness, share stories, work to get past some of our emotional barriers to forgiveness and more.
ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84500062138?pwd=L0dvY1BlU1hqd1dyaGhMZDBWbHc0dz09
Meeting ID: 845 0006 2138
Passcode: 728394
One tap mobile: 929-436-2866 when prompted enter meeting ID 84500062138# then again using the passcode*728394# this is a New York number so if using a landline, it may be long distance.
If you need assistance with technology please call the church office and we can find someone to assist you.