Small Groups

Presbyterian Men of Stroudsburg: Join Ed Freeborn in a gathering of Presbyterian Men…he is trouble from the get-go…it should should be fun. A regular meeting date has not yet been set, but upcoming meetings are listed on our Upcoming Events page.

”A Wisdom Way of Knowing”: Tillie Chase, pastor and certified spiritual director, will teach a class on wisdom. She is currently teaching this class during the Tuesday Bible Study (details below).

Online Bible Study Groups: Two online Bible study opportunities. Zoom enables a group to gather (kinda like a fancy Skype or FaceTime) and interact effectively—without leaving home! One for youth…time to be determined. One for adults…later evening, about 8 or 8:30…time and day will be determined by participants. If you are interested, email Beth.

Tuesday Bible Study: This Bible study meets every Tuesday afternoon at 3:00pm (summer 10am) for an hour and a half at LaBar Village. Our specific goals are prayer, sharing, openness, Biblical knowledge, outreach, and application. Together we agree on what to study, and we rotate the leadership. There is always an empty chair in our circle. We have agreed to give priority to the meetings, to share responsibility and come prepared, to keep anything that is said strictly confidential, to encourage group members to support each other in attaining goals, and to give one another the right to call upon each other for help in time of need, even in the middle of the night. We welcome new members. Please contact the church office, for more information.

Friendly Pursuits: This group meets regularly for fellowship activities. We also try to go to brunch after church on Sundays, as often as possible. Do you have a favorite place to eat? Come join us, and we'll try it. If you are interested in being a part of this group, please notify Amy in the church office and give her your email address. This will put you on our list. The more, the merrier. Remember, if you are a senior, are widowed, divorced, just plain single, or a bachelor/bachelorette due to your spouse's long periods away from you, please join us. There's always an empty seat!